M923A2 & M925A2 900 Series 5 Ton 6x6- Shipped to Spring, Texas
We finished and shipped out 2 trucks down to Spring, Texas. Different models, same options and paint schemes. Another shout out to the...
M931A2 900 Series 5 Ton 6x6- Shipped to Idaho
We got this M931A2 serviced and ready to go, we also added a fiberglass hard top and matched up the paint. We also upgraded the tires to...
M929A2 900 Series 5 Ton 6x6 Dump- Shipped to Arizona
M929A2 Dump dialed in. We added a original hard top, removing the soft top. Serviced. Customer pickup and ship to Arizona.
M923A2 900 Series 5 Ton & M1088 MTV 5 Ton 6x6- Shipped to Texas
More trucks heading down to Texas. Sent final M923A2 Truck down to Houston. The M1088 tagged a ride down into the Amarillo area. Trucks...
M923 & M925 900 Series 5 Ton 6x6- Shipped to Houston, Texas
We finished and shipped out 2 more trucks down to the Houston, Texas area. Different models, same options and paint schemes. More on the...
M931A2 900 Series 5 Ton- Shipped to Amarillo, Texas
We got this truck dialed in for out customer out of McLean, Texas. We removed the 5th wheel hitch and the CTIS. We added a reducer, block...
M931 900 Series 5 Ton 6x6- Shipped to California
Shipped the M931 Tractor down to our pals in Stockton, California. We also shipped 2 fuel pods and more tires with the truck. Staying busy!!
M923A2 & M35A3 Military 6x6 Truck- Shipped Down to Dallas & Houston, TX
More 6x6 Military Trucks shipped down to Dallas & Houston, Texas. Crunch time to get these trucks shipped down on time to these areas....